Are my documents safe with W6?
Your documents will be kept in a secure environment and will only be accessible to authorised staff members.
Can I upload my documents without being asked to do it?
Absolutely! We encourage you to do that.
This way you ensure that your gaming experience will not be interrupted due to a routine security check.
What is a source of funds check?
It is just a way to help us verify that your deposits are coming from legal means. While we do understand that the source of your deposits is very clear to you, we need your help to clarify it for us.
What documents can I use to verify my source of funds?
Payslip, bank statement, Sales of assets agreement and certificate of inheritance.
Why do I have to send documents?
To comply with our license obligations, we need to confirm our player’s personal information (such as your name, address, and date of birth.) This is what we call our Know Your Customer Process (KYC). It is simply an anti money laundering and fraud measure and is standard practice across our industry. This helps keep everyone’s money safe and secure!
How long does the verification process take?
As soon as your documents have been checked and verified by us, you will receive a confirmation email. If your documents could not be verified or further Information is needed, you will be contacted by one of our support team.
How do I upload the documents?
You can upload the documents by going to "My details", select "Submit documents". Please note that due to security reasons we don’t accept documents via email.